
Just because it comes in your size...

From WeirdAsiaNews, comes the latest winning product from Japan....

There's low-cut, and then there's this....

These Sanna jeans aren't just exceptionally low-cut, they are actually dual panties and low riding jeans...in one stretchy connected piece of fabric.  I keep looking at the pictures of these, and trying to decide if they are, in fact, sexy, or if it's just the toned legs and supple butt of the model that makes them look hot....

Then, it occurred to me; there was a girl in law school that I adored that had hips just like this...

While the stretch, bikini jeans seem a good idea, once you see the ones in black and/or vinyl, it will finally hit you that the inspiration for these bad boys is not, in fact, Brazil, rather something far, far into the future, and a bit more sinsister....

Too bad we never saw Charlie Theron dressed like this...

There are just two observations about these. One, it seems that they would pretty damned uncomfortable, not to mention, a little constricting. Every woman wearing these has to, out of necessity, go commando. The second is that it would require the perfect body to pull them off. If you have just one too many egg nogs over Yule, you'll lose the ability to look stunning in them. Of course, just because a person might not be flattered by the garment has never stopped people from trying to encase themselves in way too tight clothing. And that, I believe, is the root issue here. There's too much of that anyway, and these are just too tempting to unleash on those without good sense...or a model's body.

Really, isn't there quite enough of this as it is?


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