
Achromiaphobia: Creepy, but not murder-worthy

A happy family of loving children, or miniature, ashen harbingers of death?
I think you know where I come down. 

I am scientifically trained, and even possess a Masters degree in hard sciences. I understand, especially, the biological sciences, and was alos trained as a counselor. So, when you speak to me of recessive genes expressing themselves as phenotypic characteristics, I get it. Likewise, when you describe a "phobia" as being a persistent, and irrational fear, I understand that as well.

But, I don't care. I am scared of albinos.

Nature's warning sign for creepy.

Albinisim, or Achromia, is actually a fairly simple process to explain: It's a recessive gene that expresses itself as a complete lack of pigmentation: hair, eyes, skin. When one parent carries it, no big deal, when both are carriers, then you get an albino.  There are several stereotypes among human albinos: sterility, retardation, inbreeding and the typical gamut you'd expect from a fear/loathing based solely on physical characteristics.

 I don't think  anyone who wears grass, has to run from lions, and lives in a hut is qualified to help me turn my fortunes around...

And, even though I have an irrational fear of something that these people cannot help, I have not gone as far as Witch Doctors in Burundi and Tanzania....

It's the 21st Century, can we abandon witch doctors, please? Kthxbai.

In East African nations, notably Tanzania,  over 40 albinos have been murdered the past year so that Witch Doctors can use their limbs, genitals and other body parts to make "good luck" charms. As if this weren't disgusting enough, as Al Jazeera notes above, in nations like Burundi, the illicit trade of albino parts has family members killing one another for a few hundred dollars. And, according to this Y article, a complete dismembered albino corpse can fetch $75,000 on the black market.

Have you seen my red-eyed, beaked penis? 

I think I'm going to have to put aside whatever inherent creepiness I find in albinos. It is that mentality, physical differences as destiny, that have made these poor people -already in a shitty life- have to abandon their friends, family and homes to make a new life in communes where they are accepted, and not hunted down like elephants, tigers, rhinos and whatever-the-fuck-else makes an alleged magical poultice these days.

Soo, ummm....

Give me a hug big guy, I'm turning over a new leaf....

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