
Humanity Giveth, Insurance Companies Taketh Away

Sigh. Leave it to an insurance company, specifically a "health" insurance company to completely fuck up my good vibe about humanity.

These are the University of Texas Cheerleaders; unbeknownst to them, they star in many of my better, and certainly more vivid, daydreams....Health Insurance Companies could fuck this up.

What have they done now, you ask? Is it deny health care coverage to a breast-feeding four month old because she's too fat? Naaah, they've one that one already...

Sorry, kiddo, it's a pre-existing condition because you're obese.

Could it be denying health insurance to a 22 month old baby because she's too skinny? Nope, they got to that one too...

I don't know squirt. Have you tried --I mean really tried-- the creatine powder?

What else could possibly be more evil than denying babies coverage because they don't fit the Goldilocks model of underwriting? Well, you could scratch your head (and your ass, for that matter) for a millenium and you would think of it...you couldn't think of it, because you are a human being. Seems the latest kick on the "pre-existing condition" bandwagon, is to --sit down when you read this one-- flat out deny rape victims health care coverage if they did, could or possibly ingested preventive HIV medications and/or other medications for sexually transmitted diseases.

It's okay, Aetna...her chromosomes were asking for it...it's they way they were amylased.

Read that again. As if the trauma, the shame, the lifetime of psychic injury, the stigma, the unholy-fucking-terror of possibly contracting a disease --all without fault-- were not enough...as if the the ever-horror of rape and sexual assualt were not enough...as if the the visceral hell of that moment, and every second spent replaying it, weren't enough, now the big boys have decided that, hell, it's a pre-existing condition. Even if there is never a manifestation of HIV or any other disease....

"If you put down on a form that you are or were taking anti-HIV drugs at any time, they [the insurance companies] are going to understand that you are or were in treatment for HIV, period," Pisano, the insurance companies' spokeswoman said. "That could be a factor in determining whether you get coverage....It's basically an automatic no."
Some women have contacted the Investigative Fund to say they were deemed ineligible for health insurance because they had a pre-existing condition as a result of a rape, such as post traumatic stress disorder or a sexually transmitted disease. Other patients and therapists wrote in with allegations that insurers are routinely denying long-term mental health care to women who have been sexually assaulted.

These people are fucking shameless. And this system is fucking broken so profoundly that razing the damned thing to the ground is the only option that will ever suffice and will ever treat health care as a human necessity instead of a goddamned luxury commodity. Fuckers.

Dear insurance company execs, you are now free to shuffle off this mortal coil in a manner calculated to be the most painful and without any hope of coverage. I understand being a congenital dickface is a pre-existing condition. Fuck you.

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