
Moving day...

Morning world,

As you may have noticed, this one has been on hiatus since about April. Lot of real world betwixt then and now, notably a bar exam and getting killed at work. As a result, this little corner of madness has been pushed aside.

Love you, Johnette

I've missed it, yet I realize that it is untenable in its current form.  But, in typical compromise fashion, I've decided to try a different approach. One that will allow me to dump some short term thoughts and the like on willing victims.

So, I'm moving to Tumblr for the foreseeable future. Predictably, the URL is http://gothlaw.tumblr.com Come pay me a visit, I'll pour you a drink, and we can share some thoughts. But, for now, 'tis moving day...hope to see you soon.

Did I mention that my new digs are cozy?



Can't read law news anymore...

It's a shit show, for real. Terrible rulings/actions the past few days. Kentucky ruled that the State Bar can restrict an attorney's public expression; South Dakota is trying to remove a judge who called cops racist for profiling Indians; the 9th Circuit ruled adversely to homeowners seeking just compensation for regulatory takings....

...ugh....Just a bad week.

So, let's tone this down a notch, with an Emo Alpaca.

Bring it, cruel world...


Sighday is here...

Couldn't come a second too soon, either.

Long, weird, wild week. Like a microcosm of Bipolar disorder: Ups, downs, never level...often in the same day. Holy shit, am I exhausted.

No one describes it better than the Man in Black.

Trent Reznor, okay, I get it...this is yours
But, no way is it cooler than Johnny Cash.
There are few things that are.
